Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Applying the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework to a past client Coursework

Applying the Chronic Illness Trajectory Framework to a past client - Coursework Example Doctors performed a diagnosis of CORP exacerbation alongside uncontrollable blood glucose that has a link to the respiratory treatment. Through cross-examining the victim, I apprehended that the he had been diagnosed with a chronic ailment. I attributed the cause of his illness to his exposure to toxic materials while serving in the American Air force. Here, I linked the cause to the first assumptions that indicate that the courses of chronic conditions are dynamic and changes with time. As the interrogation continued, I realized that the course of the patient’s condition would have been altered if he would not have denied his condition. As a result of his denial, his COPD evolved and soon he realized that he faced an elevated intolerance phenomenon that caused the supplementation of oxygen during exercises and medication. The patient’s condition would have been shaped and managed before it developed into the chronic state. The patient would have changed his career to a void getting exposes to more of the combustions fumes that his work entailed (Whittemore & Dixon, 2008). The technology involved in the treatment of the victim’s case was oxygen treatments machines. Long term oxygen therapy treatment that is subject to controversy based on its effectiveness was also administered. With the continual administration of the therapy, the condition of the patient worsened depicting that there was a way in which the technology used in the treatment affected him negatively. He later developed the symptoms of dyspnea and coughing and this necessitated hospitalization to attain a status of control. It seems the consequences of the technological effects led to the attraction of Type 2 diabetes that the patient’s diagnosis confirmed. Consequently, the patient could not acquire some of the biographical fulfillment and perform his daily activities such as dressing and taking a shower. As a result, his

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